Your compassionate heart is needed now more than ever.
You stand in the darkness to hold the light.
Hey Badass!

It's time to activate your super powers!
It’s time to lift people up without getting run down.
Are you tired and depleted?
Do you need support?
Do you need to rest, be healed and replenished?
Do you need some hope and happiness while you work to be the change?

I've got you. You're not alone. I can help.
We all need mad skills to protect ourselves mentally, emotionally and spiritually right now.
You need energetic backup to amplify to the healing you give the world. And you need skills and support to endure when shit gets hard.
This means prioritizing what’s good for the soul so that you can be effective AND happy.

I see people on two distinctively different paths.
Some seek happiness and personal growth while maintaining their established life, routines, and values.
Others long to let it all go and dive in to an uncharted, mystical path.
One fears spiritual awakening will cost them what they have.
The other fears what they have will hinder their spiritual growth.
Either way, welcome home Badass.
You're my people.
We Are Badass Mystics.
If we quiet the mind and external judgements, we return -
if only for a moment
- to the core of ourselves, where our superpowers live.